
What is a death doula?

A death doula offers non-medical holistic support that encompasses emotional, spiritual, and practical care to the dying and their loved ones.

Why should I hire a death doula?

Similar to a birth doula, a death doula is well-versed in navigating the medical system and can help advocate for you and your loved ones during a very stressful time. In addition to emotional and spiritual support, death doulas can educate you about your options and provide resources to help you through this time of transition with as much care and ease as possible.

A death doula is also trained in understanding the funeral industry and can help you save a great deal of money while also providing emotional support during the funeral planning process.

What is a death doula unable to do?

A death doula can inform you of your rights and options but cannot offer clinical advice. We also are not able to sign paperwork related to medical care or funeral arrangements.

What is grief witnessing?

Grief witnessing is the act of holding space for another person to sit with their personal grief. In our sessions, we do not seek solutions or give urgency to “fix” your grief. We allow the grief to be what it is, in the moment, and without judgement.

Why is grief witnessing important?

It is important that we process grief in community, either one on one or in intimate group settings. In having our grief acknowledged we give ourselves permission to recognize and release it, and we feel less alone in our experience.

What is Swedish Death Cleaning?

Swedish Death Cleaning transcends mere decluttering; it's a profound response to the inescapable reality of mortality. It prompts individuals to confront possessions with mindful consideration, asking poignant questions: What genuinely brings meaning to my life? Which possessions embody the essence of my journey? What will be my legacy?

What is a Jewitch?

There are many different ways to approach this label and different reasons why people identify with it. Personally, I identify as a Jewitch because I practice witchcraft through a lens of Jewish magic and mysticism. While my own religious and spiritual beliefs inform my deathwork practice, I welcome working with people from all spiritual backgrounds.